Factors in Remedial Reading That Deserve Respect

The Need for Suitable Reading Materials

The following anecdote emphasizes the importance of having a weak student’s reading materials well-suited to his ability.

I was working with a 7 year old who after making excellent progress for a several months had experienced a significant regression. After a chat, I discovered that she was using a school library book for her home reading sessions instead of the one I had assigned. As the library book was too challenging for her, she was no longer experiencing success. This caused her confidence to drop and she reverted to ‘reading’ the pictures that accompanied the text. However, once I pointed out to the parents the importance of using appropriate materials, the problem was quickly cleared up.

For a resource that contains detailed reading lists for youngsters through adults, refer to the Darwin Reading Program.

Student’s Fatigue Requires Attention

As learning to read is challenging for a struggling student, it tends to be fatiguing. Consequently, I recommend that the home practice sessions run for approximately 10-15 minutes 4-5 times per week. These practices should gradually be increased once the child has made appreciable progress. As the times presented are merely recommendations, don’t hesitate to end a session sooner than indicated whenever necessary.

Since a fair number of youngsters and adults experience literacy problems, consider sharing these postings with family and friends as you never know who might appreciate discovering a work that truly enhances lives. For more information on the Program, please explore the rest of the site.

The next posting will address comprehension.

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